Honey is the best way to reduce fat, besides it is contains sugar content. Honey is a product made from flower nectar. Honey contains refined sugar, vitamins and minerals too. These minerals are essential to dissolve fats and cholesterol. So in usual as you eat sugar you tend to increase weight because the simple sugar lacks vitamins and minerals. Honey is a good source of nutrients and helps in reducing weight.
Honey with Luke warm water: Normally fat acts as a reserved source of energy in our body. It is believed that honey mobilizes this stored fat when taken with Luke warm water in the morning when the stomach is empty. You should make it a habit to take one spoon of honey with one glass of Luke warm water, and after do some work out such as walk for half an hour, or do some physical work. In a week’s time you will feel a gradual decrease in weight and obesity levels.
Honey with lemon juice: honey can also be taken with warn Luke water and lemon water, to lose fat quickly. Many people drink this formula in the morning to reduce weight. It works faster than that of honey with Luke warm water.
Honey with cinnamon: It is another recipe to lose fat. It is in the powder form, and can be taken with honey and warm water. Take one spoon of cinnamon powder, one teaspoon of honey and mix it with warm water, mix the ingredients’ and drink this mixture when you have empty stomach.
Honey also improves your digestion and also helps in reducing fat. Hence honey is the best product for fat loss. This mixture can also be consumed after dinner especially at the time of overeating.
Many people stop eating to reduce weight, but this is not the way to lose weight. If you stop eating, your immune system will become week, because our body needs vitamins, minerals and fats for the metabolism of the body. Eating less food consumes the stored fat in the form of energy; we should focus on the intake of calories that we take. As you take these mixtures on empty stomach and then do some physical work or brisk walking. This will definitely helps in reducing fat. Take care.
thanks for the advise..