Hello guys, exercises should be a daily routine of our life. Now matter what your age is if you want to be fit you have to work out. Bicycle crunches exercise is among the top 10 lower ab exercise workout. It is very powerful and can help you lose fat when done in conjunction with other daily fat loss routines. Everyone of us want a good abdomen and bicycle crunches exercise being among the top 10 lower ab exercises can seriously trim your abdomen into a six pack if done in accordance with other rules and healthy diet.
I will definitely advise my readers to include bicycle crunches exercise in their daily manual of exercises as i was definitely impressed by the exercise results and it has been ranked as one of the top 10 lower ab exercise workouts which pace up your fat loss or we can say body trimming results. However i definitely advise that you should add up bicycle crunches exercise to your daily schedule so that the result becomes very effective and your body starts coming into shape in shorter span of time. Including other cardio vascular workouts will be really helpful because bicycle crunches will mostly tone up your muscles and off course burn fat but inclusion with cardio vascular exercises will give it a higher rate of burning fat inside your body. Well it has not been so easily put up in the list of top 10 lower ab exercise workouts but definitely it has got proven results with it. Now i am going to brief you how to do bicycle crunches and get the result of your choice.
- If you are including bicycle crunches exercise in your daily routine then it is better to do it in combination with cardio vascular exercises. Once you are done with cardio vascular workout which is very beneficial in burning up your calories and making you lose fat. Without any rest your next workout should be bicycle crunches, thus your heart will pump out a lot of blood hence making you lose more fat and simultaneously toning up your abs.
- The amount of fat intake of calories should be reduced meaning to say that the caloric content you take inside your body from your food should be less so that the fat that is burning up by the bicycle workout doesn't come back up on your body if you take too much of it. You should carefully choose the less caloric content food types as your main eating habit so that effects of the bicycle crunches exercise are soon seen.
- Keep a regular check on your body weight and body structure you will definitely see that bicycle crunches exercise is working and results will be clear. You will see you fatty parts are getting invisible and you are now more turning into muscular man. A very attractive physical appearance is guaranteed if you pursue it regularly.
Here Is How To Do The Bicycle Crunches
Bicycle crunches are very simple to do, nothing so hard yet very effective and that is the main reason i think it to be in top 10 lower ab exercise workout.
- Lie down straight on your back and you should have a exercise mat placed on the floor on which you are lying down.
- Now keeping you hands either behind your head or straight with you thighs. Now take one of your legs towards your belly and then the other one also and start doing a bicycle riding kind of motion with your legs. You will feel it hard in the beginning but as you strength enhances you will be doing more bicycle crunches than before.
Well this is it now you just need start working out and feel the change yourself and know why bicycle crunches exercise is among top 10 lower ab exercise workout.