There are few people who must be intrigued by the heading of this post because yes it may happen that you will lose your muscles instead of losing fat. So what steps you need to take in order to lose fat not muscle. Basically there are various things that will constitute to lose fat rather than muscle. Here are some of the steps that you should take care to lose fat with proper care of your muscle.
Know how much intake of calories you need daily, its better to see a doctor and over all examination your body and with many formulas he will determine how many calories you need on normal daily basis. You will also need to keep a check on how much intake you are taking you can take up to the level fixed by the doctor and don't let more to go inside because that will cause fat growth on your body especially on belly.
There are many factors also will add up in co-ordination with your losing fat formula that is keeping your body metabolism very active. Now an easy way to do it is to take small meals regularly which will keep your metabolism up and burn down your fat and keep you fit. This method of food intake is also suggested to sugar patients even they are benefited by taking meals on regular intervals rather than having big meals morning afternoon and evening time. So the trick is divide down you food intake into smaller meals to let your metabolism be much active.
Keep a check on what food is your intake because you need to watch out for high fat food containing items. Stress more on eating carbohydrates and proteins rather than fatty food items. Look out before you buy any canned food check out the contents and their percentage and see how much fat is in it. You need least intake of fat into your body as you are trying to lose the same. So lesser the amount of intake of fat into your body more the fat will burn that is already inside your body.
You need to focus more on Cardio exercises and this will help you in losing fat than your muscle. you must not forget to drink a lot of water while exercising this will keep your metabolism running in pace.
How Celebs Lose Fat
How Celebs Lose Fat