Hi guys, many of the celebs have been using green tea as a way of medicating themselves to get rid of fat from their body. Since most of the celebs are too busy so they prefer a way which doesn't make it hard to cope up with their daily life. Since fat belly or body fat is the worst thing that can happen to a celeb taking into consideration that their whole career is dependent on their looks.
Green tea not only helps in losing fat (weight) but also helps in getting rid of habitual smoking. According to the latest research done in China which was published in Science China a fee access journal, green tea is becoming very helpful means of curing oneself of many problems like overweight, smoking etc. A major component in green tea known as catechin forces fat into a fat burning process which is called as thermogenesis, which is basically a fat burning process.
Celebrity Diets: 50 Fast Weight Loss Diets Used by Celebrities and Hardcore Dieters
It can easily make you lose fat without doing a lot of had work. Green tea is also responsible for not letting your body to amass body fat whether it be belly fat or any other area by not letting the sugar go into your fat cells. Personally i think adding it up to your daily workout will help you in losing fat by leaps and bounds than what you wee losing when you were just working out only. Even some research also shows that you can lose more 25 to 40% than what you were loosing.
Celebrity Diets: 50 Fast Weight Loss Diets Used by Celebrities and Hardcore Dieters
It can easily make you lose fat without doing a lot of had work. Green tea is also responsible for not letting your body to amass body fat whether it be belly fat or any other area by not letting the sugar go into your fat cells. Personally i think adding it up to your daily workout will help you in losing fat by leaps and bounds than what you wee losing when you were just working out only. Even some research also shows that you can lose more 25 to 40% than what you were loosing.
Green tea has been stated in many journals for its benefits especially the ones related to fat loss. Recently International Journal Of Obesity published some facts about green tea where it mentioned that it contains polyphenol which is very helpful in reduction of fat levels in your body as they produce heat.Several researches have proved that green tea is very useful in reducing belly fat.
Personally i will suggest you to add it to your regular weight loss plan. This way it can heavily help you in losing fat rather than relying on green tea only.
Personally i will suggest you to add it to your regular weight loss plan. This way it can heavily help you in losing fat rather than relying on green tea only.