Hi, everyone. Well its all how to lose fat that i blog about. I want my readers to know different ways by which they can get rid of the extra fat on their body. I know you all are worried about your fat that is bulging out on your belly. You feel tired soon because of the extra weight that you have on your body.
I want my readers to know the easiest ways to lose fat. I have been blogging for a week now and i have been giving our articles full of rich and healthy tips to lose fat. I am emphasising on diet plans also as some of the people like to lose fat to through diet plans. Today this article will tell you how much quickly South Beach diet can burn your fat.
South beach diet is an effective diet plan to lose fat. The diet has three stages by which it makes you lose weight or fat quickly in the beginning then you are given some freedom with food item range. Then lastly you are focused to maintain a standard weight after losing the extra pounds you had on your body. South Beach diet is also a low carb diet, the low carb aspect is highly stressed in the first stage of the diet plan. You can enjoy fruits and vegetables well in south beach diet.
Stage one: In stage one you are restricted to a lot of food items keeping in mind the low carb intake to reduce fat. In stage one you lose weight rapidly and you will gradually see your fat coming off. Your fat will be burned because you have to maintain very low carb diet for at least two weeks. You can eat lean meat, low glycemic vegetables,eggs and you can also have some low fat cheese. This diet wont let you gain fat. You cant eat foods like potatoes, cereals, carrots etc during the first stage as they are the big doors of extra fats on your body due to high carbohydrate content of them.
Stage Second: After losing some weight from your body rapidly in two weeks time, you will enter the second stage. Your fat belly will look a lot good now because the bulging out of fat tummy will be very less now. Gradually some food items which were not allowed to be taken in stage one are introduced in this stage. Rice can also be taken though its a high carb diet but you can take it in controlled quantities, if taken in large quantities you will regain the lost weight. Some more food are allowed in this stage like strawberries, blueberries etc. Its worth noticing that we can also have choclates in this stage but as said earlier you have to take it in decorous way. You will see as you go on that your body is not getting fatty now because you are following a controlled way. In fact you will feel that fat is going off more as you follow the south beach diet.
Tip: Avoid too much fatty foods or high carb in this stage.
Third Stage: You have to maintain your weight in this stage and you will feel it natural. This stage is like normal but focus is on the fiber part and less fat content of food items. You will have to continue with the care that you had in your stage two though now you are in normal mode of your life. Here comes the part of good carbs and bad carbs. Good carbs have much fiber rather than fat but bad carbs are high in glycemic index. You have to avoid the bad carbs, trans fats etc. South Beach Diet also gives you snacks to have between meals. That's it and hey, you are losing fat.
Well further i can only say that you have to follow a diet stringently in order to see very good results. You will definitely lose fat and have a slim, fit body but you must have a positive approach towards a diet plan. Burning fat has been thought of a tough process but now i am putting simple and recommended methods where you can have body free of clumsy fat. I may take your leave now, will come up with more facts and methods to lose fat. Bye.