The fibre you eat passes directly through your small intestines into your colon and out of your body. By taking these types of high fibre foods keeps your colon healthy. By taking high fibre foods to our diet gives our digestive system time to adjust to the change.
Fibre foods are helpful in a way for loosing fat. And even best way to lose fat is to take cabbage soup. Cabbage soup is quite tasty, and the recipe for the cabbage soup is easy to prepare. Do you know our body has to provide a lot of energy to digest the cabbage soup which in turn helps in loosing weight because the body needs a lot of energy to digest it, so where from does the energy come, it comes from the body fat.Body fat is the extra energy stored in our body which is utilised at times of scarcity of food items that contain high amount of energy which is due to carbohydrate content in them. So it is a best way to burn fat quickly. More ever the fat burning cabbage soups fat content is also very low.
How does the soup works:
1st day: soup + any fruit except Banana.
2nd Day: soup + any vegetable, you can have a baked potato with it.
3rd Day: soup + Fruits and Vegetables.
4th Day: Soup + free fat milk, and up to 4 bananas.
5th Day: Soup + 6 Tomatoes and a 450 gram of piece of Chicken or Fish.
6th Day: Soup + Meat and Vegetables.
7th Day: Soup + Brown Rice, Pure fresh fruit juice or vegetables.
The above is a way by which a proper balance of nutrients, minerals etc are taken care of with the consideration of removal of fat from your body.
How to make cabbage soup: Chop the vegetables and place it into large pot. Fill it with water and start boiling. Reduce heat and simmer until the vegetables are soft. The recipe contains. Cabbage, onions, peppers, carrots, tomatoes, herbs for a better taste .
If you are interesting in checking it out, during the period take some multivitamin supplement during the week. And be sure to take more rest during the time. Because of the less calories supplied to the body you will gradually reduce a lot of weight because the fat in your body will be burned up heavily. I think this diet is worth to be given a try.