Hi everyone. We can reduce our fat by consuming coconut oil. As you have noticed that in tropical countries people are not over weight, and are literally free from heart disease and have less health problems than the people who are in non tropical countries. As they use coconut oil with their meals that has a good impact on their health. Coconut oil consists of 66 per cent MCT’s (medium chain triglycerides) and is cholesterol free, so no worries for people having high cholesterol. Now they can reduce fat too with no worries.
When MCT’s are consumed by the body, they are processed by the body in a completely different way. They require less energy to fewer enzymes to break them down for digestion. So they are broken down immediately for digestion and help in fat loss.
Resent research shows that coconut helps increases your metabolism up to a higher level and thus helps in reducing fat faster. Your body needs fats to produce hormones and cellular membranes. Fats also help the body to absorb certain fat soluble minerals and vitamins, without fats our body cannot function properly but extra fat is the greatest worry for that person, looking obese.
Coconut oil is also 50 percent lauric acid that supports the body in burning calories. This coconut oil diet also helps in lowering the blood cholesterol and also helps in the formation of anti-aging components. They also help in reducing the risk of heart disease, cancer, obesity, and other degenerative disease. So losing fat will become easy with the tasty coconut.
Coconut is an oil product usually is comes in the category of dry fruits. Coconut oil is also used for cooking. Coconut is rich in vitamin c, B complex, niacin, biotin, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, folic acid, and thiamin, helping you gain a lot of health. It is usually found in tropical areas. This coconut is also tasty if we eat it in the raw form, and this coconut is also used as a refreshing juice in summers.Coconut juice is very tasty and healthy to drink plus it is cholesterol free so no worries.
There is a great rise in fat oxidation with MCT consumption leading to loss of fat from our body. This coconut diet plan has four stages for 21 days. Indeed its looking very good diet plan and promising in its features.
Stage 1: When consuming coconut oil you have not to consume grains, sweets, and even fruits. You can take three meals and two or three snakes daily that constitute from proteins and vegetables,but you have to consume a maximum of 3 teaspoons of coconut oil every day.
Stage 2 : During this period you have to eat different types of vegetables with fiber- based juices. Fiber is very important and essential for waste removal from your body.
Stage 3: It allows you to reintroduce whole grains, cereal fruits, and limited amount of sugary vegetables. A stage where carbohydrates are introduced.
Stage 4: In this phase you have to avoid some foods like candy, alcohol and fruits which are full in carbohydrates like banana etc. This phase is specially designed to maintain fat loss . In each stage you have to consume two or three tea spoons of coconut oil daily, and have to take a lot amount of salads and fibre diets and water. After taking this do some physical work or work out in a gym.
Coconut oil helps the body metabolism and thus helps in fat loss. You have to also take veggies and its juices for one day a week helping in cleansing of fats in body. And be sure you have to replace this oil with the oil we use in our homes.You do not have to consume butter and ghee during this period of 21 days.Butter and ghee contain a lot of trans fats which build up fats faster in your body and tend to make you fatty. You will definitely be losing fat. Start reading and start implementing today. Take care