Water is very essentially needed in our metabolic activities to be carried on smoothly. The conversion of fat into energy is a hectic job and is maintained by liver. The liver on the other hand has some more demanding processes and works assigned. It has to help the kidneys in carrying out their function of cleansing the impureblood.
When the kidneys have a quantitative supply of water, they need not much help from the liver, and thus liver can perform the conversion of fat into energy more efficiently and effectively. So, if the intake of water is up to the required level, there is a proper burning of fat in the body, thus reducing the fat by converting it into energy.
There are many other facts and reasons that tell us how drinking water can reduce and burn our excess fat. Like water contains no nutrition, which means it doesn't affect our nutrition system even if it is taken in over doses. Other best thing related to water is that it makes our stomach feel full, thus reducing the hunger, and body in those cases uses the reserve fat as the source of energy for metabolism, and thus reduces more fat.
Further i can advice you to work out naturally for your body. The natural methods to lose fat can alarmingly effect the fat content of your body without damaging or affecting our body parts. So take good amounts of water and start losing fat. Bye.