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Yoga Can Burn Fat on Your Stomach

Hello everyone. Some yoga practices have the potential to reduce fat on your stomach. However these practices should be avoided unless you have been advised or led by certified yoga master or guru, please do not do on your own, any of these.
Pavan Muktasan (Release or Regulation of Air)
Lie down on your back and take a deep breath. At left knee bend your left leg and grab the toes, take it to touch the stomach while at the same time lift your head to touch the knees bent. Keep right leg straight and hold your breath in. Count 10 and restore to the original position. Leave your breath. Repeat with other right leg. For further clearance see the picture.
Dhanurasan (The bow posture)
Lie straight and flat on your stomach. Get the hold of both of your ankles, making your knees bend. Then push outwards, so as to give your body a bow shape. Try to push back your head as much as is possible comfortably. Retain this position for at least 10 seconds and restore back to your initial position. Repeat the procedure as much as you are comfortable with.
Keeping your both hands right under your shoulders, lie flat on your stomach. Now employ your back muscles and not your hands, lift the upper part of your body backwards. Note, that hands should not be used in any case, however, if it is difficult to avoid the distraction of yours hands, and then try placing the same on your hips. Repeat the exercise at least 10 times. This exercise causes the fat on your belly and abdomen to strain, thus burns the fat in those regions.
NOTE: The Yoga practices taught in this post are efficiently effective in burning the fat over the whole stomach region. However, one needs to start with these only under the proper vigilance of an expert yoga master or Guru. A lot more yoga exercises are extremely beneficial in reducing the midriff fat and the fat in stomach flab. There needs attention to paid to two more things relating to doing these practices, yoga should be done on regular basis and at the crack of dawn. Take care.

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