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Understanding The Reason Behind Fat Stomach And How To Lose It

Hello everyone. I think today i am giving out valuable information on fat and how to lose it. All of us know that our body needs a lot of vitamins and minerals to function in proper manner. Our body also needs much more like proteins and fats. So fat is essential for our body to survive and we must have certain amount of it in our body.
There are various kinds of fats such as saturated and unsaturated. Saturated fat is the worst of the two causing majority of the problems like high blood pressure, high cholesterol  level, heart strokes , getting deposited on your stomach and causing fat stomach. It gives you clear a idea of what fat to love and what fat to hate.
Fats are known for their importance in our body, they help in the digestion of many vitamins. Fats help and improve the longevity of skin, they protect the skin and they also give you energy at the needy time. Fats are present in a lot of food items especially in fish,  it s also a rich source of protein.  Many of us become fatty due to the fact that we accumulate much more fat than what we need.
A person can be said to be fat if he is having a body mass index more than 30. Now you may be confused with this new term that i used.  BMI {Body Mass Index} , it is calculated by your weight in pounds divided by height in inches and if the result comes out more than 30 then you are obese. All of us need fat but nobody wants to be fatty. So the more unbalanced diet which is more rich in fats than other nutrients will result in high stomach fat and making you obese.
A lot of problems arise due to the unwanted accumulation of fat on your body, mostly they are heart related, diabetes and cholesterol are addition to the much feared heart problems. You must have observed that people who are fatty suffer from heart problems. They become buggered quickly than others. This all can blamed to the consumption of high fat food items. So i am leaving it you now whether you want to live fatty with all these dangerous diseases or you want to make yourself fat free. Step up and do the needy. Your comments are welcome. Take care.

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